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Англо-русский юридический словарь - lead


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Перевод с английского языка lead на русский


1) ключ (к решению чего-л.); намёк

2) направление (расследования); выход на версию; версия

3) возглавлять, руководить

4) задавать наводящие вопросы

5) шотл. свидетельствовать; представлять (напр. доказательства)

to lead for the defence — (или prosecution) возглавлять защиту (или обвинение);

to lead in the case — выступать в качестве главного адвоката стороны;

to lead the witness — задавать наводящие вопросы свидетелю

investigative leadprimary leadsecondary lead

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См. в других словарях

  1) свинец (химический элемент, применяемый как компонент краски и т.п., признан опасным для здоровья)2) пломба3) порядовка, маяк (в каменных работах)4) опережение; шаг (винта), ход (резьбы)5) водопровод6) провод; подвод (тока); питательный, подводный провод7) отводной блок8) передний угол зуба пилы9) стрела крана, копра; мн. ч. направляющие стрелы крана, копра10) длина стрелочного перевода11) дальность перевозки; дальность откатки, передвижки (земляных масс)12) графит13) вести; направлять; руководить14) покрывать свинцом•beam leadblue leadcantilevered leadcurrent leadearth leadhanging leadslighting leadsmain leadmilled leadpendulum leadspig leadred leadrolled leadsheet leadspud leadswinging leadswhite lead ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) шаг; ход (винта, резьбы)2) эл. провод; кабель3) заборная часть, заходная часть (метчика)4) центрирующий поясок5) отвес6) ввод; вывод || вводить; выводить7) опережение; предварение8) стрела; укосина9) угол наклона10) вести; направлять || ведущий•lead of guidelead of helicoidlead of helixlead of threadlead of tooth helixaccelerated leadaccelerated rifling leadadjustable leadangle leadbasic leadbonding leadcoarse leadconical leaddrunken leadfixed leadflute leadhelix leadinput leadleft-hand leadlong leadlow leadoutput leadphase leadrifling leadright-hand leadshort leadtaper lead ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  аннотация ...
Англо-русский дипломатический словарь
  I  1. noun  1) свинец; as heavy as lead - очень тяжелый  2) грифель  3) naut. лот; - heave the lead - cast the lead  4) грузило, отвес  5) пломба  6) pl. свинцовые полосы для покрытия крыши; покрытая свинцом крыша; плоская крыша  7) pl.; typ. шпоны  8) attr. свинцовый - hail of lead - get the lead  2. v.  1) tech. освинцовывать, покрывать свинцом  2) typ. разделять шпонами II  1. noun  1) руководство; инициатива; - take the lead  2) пример, указания, директива; to follow the lead of smb. - следовать чьему-л. примеру; - give a lead  3) первое место, ведущее место в состязании; to have a lead of three metres (five seconds) - опередить на три метра (на пять секунд) - gain the lead - have the lead  4) sport разрыв между лидером и бегуном, идущим за ним  5) theatr.; cin. главная роль или ее исполнитель(ница)  6) первый ход (в игре); it is your lead - вам начинать  7) cards ход; to return smb. s lead -  а) ходить в масть;  б) поддерживать чью-л. инициативу  8) поводок, привязь  9) краткое введение к газетной статье; вводная часть  10) разводье (во льдах)  11) трубопровод; канал  12) electr. подводящий провод  13) tech. опережение, предварение (впуска пара и т.п.)  14) tech. шаг (спирали, винта), ход (поршня)  15) tech. стрела, укосина  16) geol. жила; золотоносный песок  17) mil. упреждение, приведение огня (по движущейся цели)...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. хим. свинец lead ore —- свинцовая руда lead plate —- свинцовая пластинка lead plating —- освинцовывание lead spar, lead vitriol —- свинцовый купорос, англезит red lead —- свинцовый сурик white lead —- свинцовые белила sheet lead —- листовой свинец as heavy as lead —- очень тяжелый 2. грузило, отвес 3. мор. лот to cast (to heave) the lead —- бросать лот, мерять глубину лотом 4. сл. пуля, пули; девять граммов свинца lead poison —- смерть от пули a hail of lead —- град свинца to get the lead —- быть застреленным, погибнуть от пули 5. свинцовые полосы для покрытия крыши 6. покрытая свинцом крыша; плоская крыша under the leads —- на чердаке, под крышей 7. графит; карандашный грифель 8. полигр. свинец, гарт (также hard lead) 9. полигр. шпоны 10. разг. котелок, котел (из свинца) Id: to swing the lead —- мор. воен. жарг. увиливать от работы, симулируя болезнь и т. п. Id: lead balloon —- ам. сл. неудача; провал Id: the joke was a lead balloon —- эта острота не дошла (до публики) Id: to have lead in one's pants —- ам. сл. двигаться как черепаха; работать лениво; быть тугодумом Id: get the lead out of your pants! —- шевелись!, пошевеливайся!, поторапливайся! 11. тех. освинцовывать, покрывать свинцом 12. полигр. разделять шпонами, прокладывать шпоны; набирать на шпоны 13. руководство, инициатива to take the lead —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) физиол. отведение 2) биом. опережение, упреждение ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  I сущ. 1) общ. руководство; инициатива; лидерство to possess the lead - захватить лидерство 2) общ. пример; образец The Liberal Party has now followed the lead of the President. - Либеральная партия теперь последовала примеру президента. 3) общ. указание, директива The government needs to give a lead. - Правительству необходимо сформулировать директиву. 4) общ. ключ (к разгадке чего-либо); указатель to run down a lead - найти решение 5) общ. развернутый подзаголовок, аннотация (печатной статьи) the lead of the article - аннотация статьи 6) общ. вводная часть the lead of the Act - вводная часть закона 7) СМИ первое предложение/первый абзац (информационной статьи) the lead of the paper publication - первый абзац газетной публикации 8) СМИ (газетная информация, помещенная на видном месте) the importance of the news-paper lead - важность первых полос газет 9) общ. первенство, первое место to gain the lead - занять первое место 10) общ. преимущество, перевес Democratic candidate has a solid lead. - Кандидат от Демократической партии имеет солидное преимущество. 11) общ. поводок, привязь to follow dog's lead - идти на поводу 12) общ. главная роль to play the lead - играть главную роль 13) общ. исполнитель (исполнительница) главной роли She is the female lead. - Она является исполнительницей главной роли. 14) спорт ход,...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) опережение; упреждение; опережать; упреждать 2) проводник; соединительный провод 3) опережение по фазе 4) вводить; выводить ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) вести 2) вывод 3) начальный 4) опережать 5) опережение 6) отвес 7) подводка 8) подводящий провод 9) превосходить 10) приводить 11) провод 12) проводить 13) проводник 14) руководить 15) свинец 16) свинцевать 17) свинцовоплавильный 18) свинцовый 19) токоотвод 20) упреждение 21) фазоопережающий 22) шаг винта 23) шпон admission and exhaust lead — опережение впуска и выпуска ground lead logging — наземная лебедочная трелевка lead matte smelting — плавка на блейштейн lead of screw thread — шаг средней винтовой линии place in the cathode lead — включать в катод stepped-pressure lead molding — ступенчатое матрицирование - anode lead - antenna lead - battery lead - cathode lead - compensating lead - electrode lead - exhaust lead - extension lead - fit lead - fit new lead - fused lead - grid lead - hard lead - hook lead - inner lead - lead a card - lead angle - lead arsenate - lead azide - lead bath - lead block - lead bullion - lead coating - lead foil - lead glass - lead housing - lead identification - lead inductance - lead nut - lead of helix - lead of screw - lead pencil - lead pig - lead rule - lead screen - lead screw - lead sleeve - lead smeltery - lead time - lead vein - lead vitriol - lead wire - lead wool - liquated lead - native lead - outer lead - pencil lead - phase lead - red lead - rich lead - sheet lead - shielded lead - spongy lead - strip the lead - test lead - tip lead - tubed lead - valve-opening lead - white lead ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) опережение 2) ввод; вывод 3) pl соединительные провода, "концы" 4) свинец – bus lead – down lead – jumper lead – load leads – main lead – phase lead – twin lead ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  свинец графит; грифель груз, грузило порядовка (для каменных работ); маяк ввод; вывод мн.ч.выводы; соединительные концы мн.ч.направляющие (стрелы) копра мн.ч.направляющие блоки шаг (винта); длина хода (поршня); длина стрелочного перевода опережение blue lead extension lead metal lead red lead sheet lead white lead earthing lead ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  I 1) опережение опережать 2) строит. порядовка; маяк (в каменных работах) 3) мн. ч. направляющие стрелы копра 4) направляющие блоки или рамки каната (для перетаскивания брёвен) 5) шаг (винта, резьбы) 6) длина хода (поршня) 7) длина рейса (транспортных средств) 8) предварение (впуска или выпуска) 9) ж.-д. длина стрелочного перевода 10) ж.-д. стрелочная горловина 11) питающий (подводящий) провод 12) ввод; вывод 13) мн. ч. соединительные провода, "концы" 14) мн. ч. ошиновка 15) опережение по фазе опережать по фазе 16) упреждение; угол упреждения 17) расстояние между нитеводителем и коньком (при прокладывании нити на котонной машине) 18) интерлиньяж, междустрочный пробел - addressing lead - axial lead - beam lead - bonding lead - bond lead - brush lead - bus lead - cantilevered lead - compliant lead - connecting lead - current lead - down lead - earth lead - extension lead - flexible lead - flying lead - gold-plated lead - ground lead - guide lead - heater lead - hub lead - hump lead - input lead - inside lead - internally wired leads - jump lead - jumper lead - load leads - main lead - neutral lead - oil lead - phase lead - radial lead - resilient lead - ribbon lead - shielded lead - shoulderless lead - shunt leads - side-brazed lead - socket lead - solder-dipped lead - spider lead - spud lead - support lead - taper lead - terminal lead - tin-plated lead - track relay lead - web lead - wire lead - zero lead II 1) свинец, Pb освинцовывать, покрывать свинцом свинцовый 2) тетраэтилсвинец 3)...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. v. & n. --v. (past and past part. led) 1 tr. cause to go with one, esp. by guiding or showing the way or by going in front and taking a person's hand or an animal's halter etc. 2 tr. a direct the actions or opinions of. b (often foll. by to, or to + infin.) guide by persuasion or example or argument (what led you to that conclusion?; was led to think you may be right). 3 tr. (also absol.) provide access to; bring to a certain position or destination (this door leads you into a small room; the road leads to Lincoln; the path leads uphill). 4 tr. pass or go through (a life etc. of a specified kind) (led a miserable existence). 5 tr. a have the first place in (lead the dance; leads the world in sugar production). b (absol.) go first; be ahead in a race or game. c (absol.) be pre-eminent in some field. 6 tr. be in charge of (leads a team of researchers). 7 tr. a direct by example. b set (a fashion). c be the principal player of (a group of musicians). 8 tr. (also absol.) begin a round of play at cards by playing (a card) or a card of (a particular suit). 9 intr. (foll. by to) have as an end or outcome; result in (what does all this lead to?). 10 intr. (foll. by with) Boxing make an attack (with a particular blow). 11 a intr. (foll. by with) (of a newspaper) use a particular item as the main story (led with the Stock Market crash). b tr. (of a story) be the main feature of (a newspaper or part of it) (the royal wedding will lead the front page). 12 tr. (foll. by through) make (a liquid, strip of material, etc.) pass through a pulley, channel, etc. --n. 1 guidance given by going in front; example. 2 a a leading place; the leadership (is in the lead; take the lead). b the amount by which a competitor is ahead of the others (a lead of ten yards). 3 a clue, esp. an early indication of the resolution of a problem (is the first real lead in the case). 4 a strap or cord for leading a dog etc. 5 a conductor (usu. a wire) conveying electric current from a source to an appliance. 6 a the chief part in a play etc. b the person playing this....
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (led; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English leden, from Old English l?dan; akin to Old High German leiten to ~, Old English lithan to go  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to guide on a way especially by going in advance  b. to direct on a course or in a direction  c. to serve as a channel for a pipe ~s water to the house  2. to go through ; live ~ a quiet life  3.  a.  (1) to direct the operations, activity, or performance of ~ an orchestra  (2) to have charge of ~ a campaign  (3) to suggest to (a witness) the answer desired by asking ~ing questions  b.  (1) to go at the head of ~ a parade  (2) to be first in or among ~ the league  (3) to have a margin over led his opponent  4. to bring to some conclusion or condition led to believe otherwise  5. to begin play with ~ trumps  6.  a. to aim in front of (a moving object) ~ a duck  b. to pass a ball or puck just in front of (a moving teammate)  intransitive verb  1.  a. to guide someone or something along a way  b. to lie, run, or open in a specified place or direction path ~s uphill  c. to guide a dance partner through the steps of a dance  2.  a. to be first  b.  (1) begin, open  (2) to play the first card of a trick, round, or game  3. to tend toward or have a result study ~ing to a degree  4. to direct the first of a series of blows at an opponent in boxing  Synonyms: see guide  II. noun  Date: 15th century  1.  a.  (1) ~ership  (2) example, precedent  b.  (1) position at the front ; vanguard  (2) initiative  (3) the act or privilege of ~ing in cards; also the card or suit led  c. a margin or measure of advantage or superiority or position in advance  2. one that ~s: as  a. lode 2  b. a channel of water especially through a field of ice  c. indication, clue  d. a principal role in a dramatic production; also one who plays such a role  e. leash 1  f.  (1) an introductory section of a news story  (2) a news story of chief importance  3. an insulated...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  I. [c red]BEING AHEAD OR TAKING SOMEONE SOMEWHERE (leads, leading, led) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Please look at category 21 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword. 1. If you lead a group of people, you walk or ride in front of them. John Major and the Duke of Edinburgh led the mourners... He walks with a stick but still leads his soldiers into battle... Tom was leading, a rifle slung over his back. VERB: V n, V n prep/adv, V 2. If you lead someone to a particular place or thing, you take them there. He took Dickon by the hand to lead him into the house... Leading the horse, Evandar walked to the door. VERB: V n prep/adv, V n 3. If a road, gate, or door leads somewhere, you can get there by following the road or going through the gate or door. ...the doors that led to the yard. ...a short roadway leading to the car park... VERB: V prep/adv, V prep/adv 4. If you are leading at a particular point in a race or competition, you are winning at that point. He’s leading in the presidential race... So far Fischer leads by five wins to two... Aston Villa last led the League in March 1990. VERB: V, V by amount, V n 5. If you have the lead or are in the lead in a race or competition, you are winning. England took the lead after 31 minutes with a goal by Peter Nail... Labour are still in the lead in the opinion polls. N-SING: the N, oft in/into the N 6. Someone’s lead over a competitor at a particular point in a race or competition is the distance, amount of time, or number of points by which they are ahead of them. ...a commanding lead for the opposition is clearly emerging throughout the country... His goal gave Forest a two-goal lead against Southampton... Sainz now has a lead of 28 points. N-SING: with supp, oft N over n 7. If one company or country leads others in a particular activity such as scientific research or business, it is more successful or advanced than they are in that activity. ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v past tense and past participle led »GO SOMEWHERE« 1 »GO IN FRONT« to go in front of a group of people or vehicles  (You lead and we'll follow. | A truck with a jazz band on it was leading the parade. | a procession led by a man on a horse | lead the way (=go in front and show the way)) 2 »GUIDE SB« a) T always + adv/prep to take someone to a place by going with them  (lead sb through/to/along etc)  (An official led me along the corridor to a large office.) b) to take a person or animal somewhere while holding the person's arm or pulling a rope tied to the animal  (lead sb up/down/through etc sth)  (The hostages were blindfolded and led to a waiting car. | A groom was leading a racehorse out of the stable.) 3 »ROAD/WIRE« if something such as a path, pipe, or wire leads somewhere or leads in a particular direction, it goes there or goes in that direction +down/into/towards etc  (a flight of steps leading down to the beach | animal tracks that led into the woods | The thieves cut the wires leading to the surveillance cameras. | Where does this road lead?) 4 »DOOR« if a door or passage leads to a particular room or place, you can get there by going through it + to/into  (a door leading to the conference room) »CONTROL« 5 »BE IN CHARGE« to be in charge of something such as an important activity, a group of people, or an organization, especially a political party  (a communist-led strike | Major will lead the Conservative Party at the next election. | Inspector Roberts is leading the investigation into Susan Carr's murder.) 6 lead sb astray to encourage someone to do bad or immoral things that they would not normally do  (We think Harry was led astray by some of the older boys.) 7 »CONVERSATION« to direct a conversation or discussion, especially so that it develops in the way you want  (Mary led the conversation around to the topic of salaries.) 8 lead sb by the nose informal to make someone do anything you want them to WIN 9 to be winning a game or competition  (lead by ten points/two sets/four frames...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  U.S. gov. abbr. Leadership Ethics Achievement And Development mil. abbr. Leadership, Education, And Development softw. abbr. Laser Engraved Application Development non-prof. org. abbr. Local Economic Advocacy For Democracy educ. abbr. Leadership Excellence Achievement And Diversity educ. abbr. Leadership Education Advocacy And Development educ. abbr. Levittown Educators Against Drugs educ. abbr. Leadership Education Advocacy And Determination educ. abbr. Leadership Education And Academic Development educ. abbr. Leadership Education Application And Discovery educ. abbr. Leadership And Excellence Academies For Deltasigs educ. abbr. Leadership Education Application Discovery educ. abbr. Letting Education Achieve Dreams educ. abbr. Leadership Enrichment Acceptance And Development educ. abbr. Leadership Education Action And Development educ. abbr. Lindsay Extreme Action Development religion abbr. Leadership Evangelism And Discipleship religion abbr. Live Evangelize Assurance Disciple religion abbr. Learning Encouragement Application And Discipleship religion abbr. Leadership Excellence Authenticity Discipleship law abbr. Legal Education To Arrest Delinquency law abbr. Legislative Education And Awareness Day law abbr. Linking Efforts Against Drugs law abbr. Legal Experience And Academic Development law abbr. Leadership Education The Anti Drug gen. bus. abbr. Leadership Empowerment And Development gen. bus. abbr. Leadership Effectiveness And Adaptability Description gen. bus. abbr. Leadership, Empowerment, And Development gen. bus. abbr. Leadership Experience And Development gen. bus. abbr. Lean Enterprise Across Disciplines gen. bus. abbr. Leading Edge Administrators Determining gen. bus. abbr. Leadership Enhancement And Development gen. bus. abbr. Leadership Excellence Action And Dedication NASDAQ abbr. Leadville Corporation ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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